Support's Blog



Updated Privacy Policy

Our community has grown a lot since we wrote our original Privacy Policy. To get things up to date for the millions of people now using Fuckbook, we’re bringing you a new version of our Privacy Policy.

Here are a few key points:

  • Nothing has changed about your photos’ ownership or who can see them.

  • Our updated Privacy Policy helps to protect you, and prevent spam and abuse as we grow.

    This is just a small preview. Our new Privacy Policy will be effective on September 26, 2014.

We know these documents are a little dry, but they’re very important. Please take a moment to read through them so you keep feeling comfortable sharing your amazing photos and videos on Fuckbook.

Please find our Privacy Policy here:

  • jarbarian: Doesn't appear that you have done anything to … the users on this site. I would suffice to say that so far, 99% of the "supposed" females on this site are fake/spammer accounts. The only legitimate accounts are from men. So, I hate to say this, you're doing a bad job with this "for profit" operation. If you want to make money and make it a success, you'll have to screen out fake accounts faster and entice REAL women to sign up. Give them FREE accounts as long as you can … who they are.
  • mucperium: Guys you have right, only fakes, skams, Kids and a Profil that i reported today that they Show to cum on Kids? what we are paying here? only Profit and no control to anything. Take your responsibility and fix few thinks, it is not all about collecting Informations and members to be a good and privat site you have to work on it DO YOUR JOB PLEASE
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